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Spirit Guides Explained


In my talks and in my readings I often reference spirit guides. Today we are going to delve into what I mean by that. 

So what is a spirit guide? A spirit guide is someone on your spirit team so to speak that helps guide you while you are on earth. They can be angels, passed on loved ones, or simply guides. When I was thinking about writing this I thought it would be best to ask my guides about this topic. Here is what they had to say:

“There are many of us. Some stay for a lifetime and others only for a season. You have one from birth that acts as a guardian of your soul. It reminds you throughout your life of the lessons and the contracts you signed up for before you came to earth. We are always present but only contact if invited to do so. In instances of life or death we will sometimes intervene without invitation. You must call upon us to hear us fully. We relish a connection with you. Our soul knows yours. There is a kindredness there. We will never interfere with your free will. We will merely guide and support. Those who tap into this feel more loved, more connected, more supported. We do not mourn your misdirection or misteps but rather we help you derive meaning and joy from them. There is always a silver lining. We assist souls with arriving. We are there when you are born and we are there when you rejoin us on the other side. Passed on loved ones will sometimes come on board so to speak for a period, a season, or the rest of your life. It is normal to feel them more strongly at certain times. We send signs and messages. Those who look for the signs will always find them. We are the quiet voice within reminding you of your own power, your path, your gifts, and your joys.”

I find that people are often obsessed with knowing their guide’s name. I admit that I was eager to learn what names my guides went by in the beginning. When I first began my spiritual journey I was meditating and had a very vivid, clear image of a young woman grabbing my arms and saying, “Finally! I thought you would never wake up!” This guided showed me through images in my mind’s eye that we had incarnated here many times before. In this life she had chosen to stay behind and to act as my guide. I asked her name and thought I heard Jenny. Years later I had a psychic reading done and the medium said that I had a guide that was female and that she typically incarnated with me but hadn’t. She said she stayed behind to act as my guide. She said she thought her name was Liddy or Lydia. Liddy, Jenny, it honestly doesn’t matter. Sometimes we will learn a guide’s name and other times we won’t. The most important thing to know is that they are there to guide and support.

Today, take a moment to connect with your guides and see what happens. Maybe you will experience a feeling or have a scene pop into your imagination. View it all as communicative. You will be blown away by what your guides have to say. If you want help connecting to your own spirit guides sign up for my newsletter, follow along on social media, or book your own session today.

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